Die 8vo Dec. anni ecclesiastici iam MMXI, anni civilis autem MMX, dedicavi haec bloggata et alia mea scripta ad quam vincula do ad Cor Immaculatum Mariæ eâ occasione quâ parœchia Scti Nicolai in Cardoneto renovavit dedicationem parœchiæ
Si j'ai trouvé mal de Bugeaud de brûler les champs, ça ne retombe pas sur la gloire d'avoir pris la smalah d'un certain Abd-el-Kader qui se sentait insulté par une mosquée refaite en église en revanche pour toutes les églises refaites en mosquées à l'invasion Musulmane. En plus il devint FcMc plus tard.
Et biensûr, Lyautey est le genre de militaire colonial que j'honore sans regrets.
L'Algérie aime toujours qualifier "la colonisation" en bloc comme un crime?
Links, mostly, including to Fr. Huneycutt, Bishop Williamson, John Sandinopoulos, and some of my comments, these being English counterpart to "Mon retour des Orthodoxes à la FSSPX":
3 commentaires:
Speaking of FSSPX, here is a link to their non-sedisvacantism.
Mon retour des Orthodoxes à la Fraternité Sacerdotale St Pie X, II:
13 Polémique peut-être fructueuse? 14 Comité de quelque chose dans la tête 15 Annunciation (English as some of the following ones) 16 Happy Annunciation, Old Calendarists! - 17 Tolerance ... un peu de signification 18 Great and Holy Tuesday (link to Fr. James) - 19 Orthodox Holy Week (link to Fr Huneycutt) - 20 Christ is risen! - 21 Il est vraiment ressuscité 22 m_a_g_o_u_i_l_l_e_s___m_a_ç_o_n_n_i_q_u_e_s 23 Ste Radégonde n'a pas manqué succession de sainteté en France (lien)... 24 M.A.S. alternat!ve dit "non à l'homophobie" -regardez ce qu'en dit Mgr Williamson (clicquez ici, en anglais)...
Links, mostly, including to Fr. Huneycutt, Bishop Williamson, John Sandinopoulos, and some of my comments, these being English counterpart to "Mon retour des Orthodoxes à la FSSPX":
1 Hungarians do play guitar (link) 2 China 3 Orthodixie: "Of course Sponge Bob is gay" (link) 4 Dale Ahlquist: "G.K. Chesterton and The Perils of ... 5 "Generous Orthodoxy" defends fallibilism? 6 Brain death diagnosis kills? (link) 7a "Kill your parents" +40ys=Educate your children! (link) b I don't believe in Weathermen c How e v e r 8 "When does His Grace Hilarion sleep?" /Orthodixie ... 9 Airport Tyranny/Dinoscopus (link) 10 Mark Pivarunas, bishop, speaks (link) 11 Between Sunday of Genealogy and Christmas Day (links) 12 Two courageous men, two heavily conformist communities... 13 Reading time for Mgr Williamson! 14 Update 1: Mgr Williamson apologises for hurting people... 15 Update 3: some do not apologise or avoid schism (update 2 is in French series) 16 Count-down to St Patrick's - a link to his "breast plate"... 17 Happy St Patrick's day, all of you ... 18 Annunciation 19 Happy Annunciation, Old Calendarists! - 20 Great and Holy Tuesday (link to Fr. James) - 21 Orthodox Holy Week (link to Fr Huneycutt) - 22 Christ is risen! - 23 Il est vraiment ressuscité 24 Piracy and slavehunt are not Christian things 25 A book and a site they might not want you to read ... 26 Today's celebrations: 27 Blessed feast of the Dormition! 28 My dear Bishop Williamson, if I had earned money a... 29 Brother Dimond refutes claim that Shroud of Turin is a fake (link, youtube)... 30 Am I too libertarian for FSSPX? Hope not. 31 a Mystagogy posts certainly false allegation on St Robert Bellarmine... - b Pseudoquote identified. What De Romano Pontifice, ... really says - c Further faults of fact in the Mystagogy post
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