dimanche 28 mars 2010

Good Arthur was a Christian King

1) deretour : Good Arthur was a Christian King, 2) Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Mark Shea Somewhat Off on Muslims, 3) New blog on the kid : Why we Christians do not Punish Raped Women as Adulteresses

Good Arthur was a Christian King
Whose Queen unfaithful was.
He could have put an end to it
But chose a hidden Cross.

A married man, end yet a monk
And able not to hate
Nay even love the celibate knight
Who stole his married fate.

And Mordred was a moralist
About the married bed
As Judas once about the alms
- but both were so misled.

The triumph of the moralist
Was tragedy for love.
Keep candles burning in the wind:
Be harmless as the dove.

But when a candle is blown out
Your neighbour has one too
For Easter Night prepare to fight
Whatever wants to quell the light
By keeping peace in you.

1 commentaire:

Hans-Georg Lundahl a dit…

Emperors legislated differently about adulteresses.

Augustus specified exile. St Constantine changed that to death penalty - a legislation which King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were under, as well as Lancelot and Mordred. Now, King Arthur refused to apply it.

Later Justinian changed it again - Sed hodie - and lifelong emprisonment in monastery was foreseen, though with a two year option for husband to forgive his wife. When Louis XIV came back to his senses after years with Mme de Montespan, he revenged M. Montespan - whom he had himself helped to wrong - in exactly that way.

Source for imperial legislation facts: Introduction Historique au Droit Privé, Laurent Pfister, collection Que sais-je?