samedi 26 septembre 2009

Il était une fois un peuple qui ne servait pas les idoles ...

... oui, à l'époque de Pharaon, ce peuple là était l'honneur du vrai Dieu. Et encore à l'époque de Pompée.

Depuis, les descendants du Pharaon, les descendants de Nabucondonosor, les descendants d'Alexandre de Macédoine, les descendants notemment de Pompée et de Jules César ont cessé de servir les démons. Il y en a qui servent Osiris et Isis, mais en sécret. Il y en a qui servent Vénus et Bacchus, mais en blague. Il y en a qui servent, mais il y en a peu qui osent admettre ouvertement de la faire en sérieux. Le peuple, jusqu'à récemment même les états, servent un Dieu unique, un Dieu jaloux, qui s'est révélé dans la Torah.

Sont-ce les juifs qui ont converti ces peuples là? Ce sont les chrétiens. Les chrétiens, nous qui disons que ce Dieu est Un Dieu en Trois Personnes, le Père et le Fils et le Saint-Esprit, et que le Fils est incarné par la Vierge Marie et mort sur la Croix pour notre salut.

Entre-temps il y en a encore des Juifs qui se croient encore l'honneur du vrai Dieu. L'honneur? Je ne crois pas. Blasphèmes envers la Vierge1, blasphèmes envers la Croix, démarches médiatiques comme pour se faire haïr par des peuples chrétiens et pauvres, comme dans l'affaire Glemp. En plus, parfois des parents tyranniques, comme Shylock. Ou les parents de "la petite juive", un compte conte assez réaliste de H. C. Andersen. Par bonheur pas tous.

Pour se consoler leur image d'identité collective, il y en a qui citent - hier j'ai lu en Tribune Juive, ouverte sur un table en G. Pompidou, l'article où ils citent Bossuet, son éloge des hébreux parmi les idolâtres. Aujourd'hui je ne trouve pas la citation de Bossuet en web. Mais Bonald et de Maistre parlaient aussi des époques avant le christianisme.

Mais de côté chrétienne on est très bien d'accord, qu'il était un fois un peuple qui ne servaient pas les idoles, il y avait une époque on les appelait Juifs. Seulement, depuis d'autres ont pris la relève, comme les chrétiens de la légion thébaine ou comme les martyrs de Russie et d'Ukraine sous le Communisme. Ou ceux qui refusent aujourd'hui de faire un idole des Juifs morts en Birkenau, ou de Anne Frank. Ou ceux qui risquent aujourd'hui leur pourvivre en obéissance aux préceptes du christianisme. Ou l'activiste pro-life récepmment tué aux états-unis (il semble y avoir eu dans les rapports policiers des doubtes peux sérieux, contraires aux aveu du meurtrier, sur le motif).

Hans-Georg Lundahl
13/26 sept (selon les calendriers)
l'année du Seigneur MMIX
Paris V, Buffon

1Voir ce que des soi-disants chrétiens acceptent comme nouvelle traduction sur l'instigation de juifs ou de judéophiles qui réinterprètent le mot parthenos. Parfois, peu-être, les judéophiles font des juifs qqc de pire qu'ils ne soient toujours par eux-mêmes.

20 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

À propos judéophiles - et malheureusement qq réseaux juifs aussi - qui s'opposent au christianisme catholique et traditionnel: (une or)

Anonyme a dit…

"In the meantime, the Jewish Chronicle raised the stakes by introducing comments into a report suggesting antisemitism on the part of the SSPX for no other reason than its adherence to the traditional theological and Scriptural teaching of the Catholic Church relating to the Jews. And in the event that readers failed to take the bait of this ridiculous insinuation the report concluded with a quote from the US website of the Anti-Defamation League claiming that the SSPX 'is mired in antisemitism.' "

que ça fait soupirer

Anonyme a dit…

Est-ce à propos de Isaie chapitre 11 que les Juifs disent que le Messie doive encore venir?

Mais Jésus de Nazareth a déjà rempli ça! Voyez verset 10, par example: and his sepulchre shall be glorious. Les versets suivants sont remplis entre le Premier Pentécôte et la conversion des dix tribus en Assyrie au Christianisme.


Anonyme a dit…

...and his sepulchre shall be glorious

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

The Little Jewish Maiden (H. C. Andersen) got it all right, even if she was hindered from expressing it in visible conversion.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand the second time to possess the remnant of his people, which shall be left from the Assyrians, and from Egypt, and from Phetros, and from Ethiopia, and from Elam, and from Sennaar, and from Emath, and from the islands of the sea. 12 And he shall set up a standard unto the nations, and shall assemble the fugitives of Israel, and shall gather together the dispersed of Juda from the four quarters of the earth.

Fullfilled by first Pentecost and early Christianization of these peoples.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

13 And the envy of Ephraim shall be taken away, and the enemies of Juda shall perish: Ephraim shall not envy Juda, and Juda shall not fight against Ephraim.

If Ephraim is Samaria, read Acts 8about good relations between Church of Jerusalem and Church of Samaria.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines by the sea, they together shall spoil the children of the east: Edom, and Moab shall be under the rule of their hand, and the children of Ammon shall be obedient.

The Philistines at Gaza strip and the Edomites in Jordan, and the Moabites and Ammonites in Jordan or maybe Syria became conquered by Christianity and obedient to the Church that was born in Gethsemane, Calvary, Jerusalem. The partly nomadic/bedouine population, which later was conquered by Omar had no problems about learning Arab, and some tribes, but not all became Muslim. In the book The Desert a City I am told that a tribe that loved a Skete or monastery before they became Muslims, afterwards also assured the monastery of their love. The Arab population of that area does not in the main descend from Ishmael (main pt of Arab peninsula) or from Joctan (Iemen area), but from the Hebrew or half Hebrew peoples enumerated in this prophecy. And they were unified by Christianity before they became Muslims. THe prophecy is fulfilled. Zionism and waiting for another Messiah than Jesus of Nazareth has no support in this CHapter of Isaiah. I do not believe it has so anywhere else either, but here I have seen it, by comparing my reading of the Prophet with my knowledge of History and seeing it agrees with what is greater than myself: the Church that the real Messiah founded.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

15 And the Lord shall lay waste the tongue of the sea of Egypt, and shall lift up his hand over the river in the strength of his spirit: and he shall strike it in the seven streams, so that men may pass through it in their shoes.

16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of my people, which shall be left from the Assyrians: as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

SOME DETAILS are not such as I can yet explain, but in the main this is also already fulfilled by Christianity in the Coptic and Assyrian nations.

Will some Melkite Catholic priest please help out with the laying dry of the seven streams of Egypt?

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

Les accords Faiçal - Weizmann

Les territoires marquées Judea et Samaria sont la Westbank Palestinienne. Pour cause: les arabes de la région étaient issus de la première chrétienneté hébreue. Je viens de vérifier que Moab, Ammon et Édom sont en Jordanie.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

D'ailleurs, je me souviens qu'aujourd'hui (14 octobre N. Calendrier) c'est le fête de Sainte Petka de Iasi - une moniale d'origine Palestinienne. Pas si différente d'une moniale Normande très bien-aimée. La prophétie d'Isaïe chapitre 11 a été devant les yeux des Juifs de la région pour deux-mils ans, jusqu'à l'occupation de la Westbank, action qui occulte mais qui ne change pas l'histoire.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

Correction: Ste Paraschève connue comme Petka était Serbe, mais elle était moniale en Jordanie.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

Pour des particuliers de confession ou côtoyant la confession juive:
1 Judaïté de Mathathiahu Ha-Lévy 2 Et les Cohen Gadol après Notre Seigneur, jusqu'à la destruction de Jérusalem? 3 (Les juifs ne disent pas) "Athena Parthenos" 4 Le Dieu d'Israel est reconnu par les nations - depuis 2000 ans... 5 Prière d'un Juif ou d'un Chrétien déporté? 6 J'avais écrit quelque chose de mésinterprétable 7 Il était une fois un peuple qui ne servait pas les idoles... 8 L'erreur des "Nazoréens" comme les appelle Épiphane de Salamine...

lior a dit…

i adont think that your claims have an historic basic.
you try to connect the muslims from gaza to the philistines,
the edomin,muavim,amonim and amonim to jordan and syria,and the israeli arabs to ancient hebrew.
on what ground?
also your claim as if the zionist are waiting for a meshiach other then jesos is incorrect,becouse the main justification for modern zionisam is that it drive to re-new the libaretiuon of the jewish people in his homeland,israel,regarless if the meshich is comming or not,and either way its not jesos.

jews have been living constantly in the land of israel for more then 3000 years.there is not even one record of mass conversion of jews in israel to islam.
infact you can read in my blog in much diteils about the robbust jewish activities in israel during the first arab occupation.

now,the edomin are known to have convert to judesam during th ehashmonaim peirod.infact king herod and his sons the other kings of judea were originaly edomim.its a fact.
the philistins ,most of them were expeled by the assyrians and the babilonians.during the helenistic period the area of gaza was poppuleted with phonicians,and some arab merchent too.
thos people assimilte to hellenisam and later to christianty but most of them run away when the muslim occupation came.
muav and amon were heavely helenised during the helenistic period,and after thevromans relise them from the control of ther jewish hashmonaim the lived in the dekapolice,the 10 cities league.
there is not much data if that area convereted to christianity.there isnt much data that it ever converted to was probably abonded and then setteled with arab tribes from yemen and syria.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

you try to connect the muslims from gaza to the philistines,
the edomin,muavim,amonim and amonim to jordan and syria,and the israeli arabs to ancient hebrew.

Not quite.

The Philistines were assimilated into the tribe of Judah.

jews have been living constantly in the land of israel for more then 3000 years.there is not even one record of mass conversion of jews in israel to islam.

There is, though, a record of masses of Jews and Samarians and Galileans becoming Christian. The first Chapters of the Book of Acts.

There is a record of the Church in Pella starting with Christians fleeing from the Romans from Jerusalem. Pella is in Jordania.

The Christian Jews-Samarians-Galileans-Edomites-Ammonites-and-Moabites were still Christian when the "Arabs" came, and they were already Bedouins.

Monasteries or Sketes have recorded how this or that Christian tribe was forced to islamise, but told the monks they wanted to remain friendly. Other tribes remained Christian and remain so to this very day. Of course these Christian Arabs or Semites before Omar have ancestors, and that one is not Ishmael. It is, once again, Judah, Ephraim, Edom, Moab and Ammon.

The fact that other Jews rejected Christ and were not Christian when Omar came and were not among the ancestors of today's Palestinians does not alter the fact that these do not descend from Ishmael, but first from the Israelites and inhabitants of Arabia Petraea - Edom, Moab and Ammon - that were Christian when Omar came.

Ishmaeli heritage is an addition to that population from the time of Omar, not its basis. Just as there were later additions, like Kurds and Mamluks and Seljuks and Ottomans on the Muslim side and Crusaders on the Christian side. And there had been additions from Greek-Roman population between AD 70 and Omar.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

Claiming Edom "converted to Judaism" during period of Herod is a bit on the line. You mean, they converted to temple worship.

They already knew the one God, of the just Job was an Edomite, as I have seen argued.

Edomites from Temple Worship to Christianity comes when Christians heeding the Prophecy of Christ flee the Romans in time and the Church of Jerusalem emigrates to Pella for a time.

How come you ignore this? Have you only looked at Talmudic records? It is like asking Egyptian astrologers to bring up a confirmation of the Sun standing still for Joshua!

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

So, through the Church he founded, Jesus has fulfilled the latter half of Isaiah Chapter 11.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

Quote: Jordan has an indigenous Christian minority. Christians are a religious minority both among the Arab and non-Arab segment. Christians of all ethnic backgrounds permanently residing in Jordan form approximately 6% of the population and are allocated respective seats in parliament (The Department of Statistics released no information about the religion distribution from the census of 2004).

Christians made up 30% of the Jordanian population in 1950.[80] However, emigration to Europe, Canada and the United States and lower birth rates compared to Muslims has significantly decreased the ratio of the Christian population,[80] coupled with the fact that the majority of people that have come to Jordan as refugees were Muslim.
Indigenous Jordanians of the Christians faith, are, like their counterpart indigenous Jordanians of the Muslim faith, an Arab people in language, culture and identity. Jordanian Arab Christians hold services in the Arabic language, and share the culture of Jordan, and share the broader Levantine Arab identity. Most Jordanian Christians belong to the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem. The remainder include members of the Syriac Orthodox Church, Latin Rite Catholic Church, Melkite Greek Catholic Church, Syriac Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East, Ancient Church of the East, and Anglican Communion. End quote, source =Wiki: Jordan: Religion (partial quote).

Jordan abandoned and repeopled from Yemen? Hardly. That would not account for 30% Christians in 1950. Christian being a majority after Omar, but oppressed by Muslims, does account for it.

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

It seems I was unfair to Egyptian astronomers: look here!

Hans Georg Lundahl a dit…

This man misses the point.

Not only does he not know that the miracle has been confirmed by Egyptians (whose four times record of odd sun behaviour in some 10.000 odd years probably are Joshua's Battle and Ahaz Sun Dial plus two projections backwards into fictional time spans), he also misses the context in which precisely a miracle is required, since the king was asked to require a sign.

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