lundi 28 juin 2010

Spam or directed commentary?

kashif14763 a ajouté un nouveau commentaire sur votre message "What is in a title?" :

Really very relavant artical with the topic it is good work.

Anyway the site does not inspire my full confidence, look, what I found there:

Check Republic Translation

Oh? I would have written Czech translation. Czech Republic is a country, not a language. And I do not spell it Check Republic.

Other funny stuff with that post:

I got The Cross and the Switchblade as authored by Nicky Cruz. That man is in the book, but it was written by the pastor who met the Mau-Mau Nicky Cruz - who also wrote a book with himself, Run Baby Run.

I read that book too. The time before he became an Evangelical Christian he felt like running away all the time, being scared. That has so NOT been my situation, not even when I have actually left city after city.

If they think that I was in that mood or in that kind of spiritual captivity when I left Sweden, they are misled by the demon. Dito for other places I have left. If they think that "when I get the Spirit" I will be useful for restoring other people who have been evil and try to get out of it, they are, once again, misled by the devil.

I am not a man who grew up afraid not knowing God. I am a man whose relation to God has time after time been menaced and poisoned - now so long by Freemasons and such Jews as hate or fear my Church or want to "get me back" from it or to control my life in it - and God has still preserved me from real Apostasy, such as would appear such to both East and West. And my spiritual life, the life of Grace God gave me, has also been threatened by what seem to me betrayals on part of the priests I go to.

Because, if freemasons have all the time pushed for me getting into so much social life or work that they can remodel me, priests have listened to lies about my keeping out of work by any kind of other motives than that. Or decided to judge me as one needing remodelling, thereby abetting the freemasons' side.

I was allowed to quote a word from a FB friend something about arguing in communication difficulties because of the other person's arguing against their preconceptions about anyone disagreeing with them. Unfortunately a friend of hers jumped onto the discussion, as identifying herself in that remark and objecting to it, leading to a discussion which has today been deleted.

But arguing against one's preconception rather than against actual words is maybe bad manners in a discussion, when dealing with truths and with truth, praying for and discussing a person with responsible people according to one's preconceptions is bad manners in dealing with a soul. I am not saying this is what my priests do, I say this is what they seem to me to do. In that case, they have taken a cue from Swedes (and maybe some others) of confessions they regard as heretic. And which are so. If Pentecostalism is not as directly against the Catholic Church as Lutherans once were - if you read French, read previous message by the way - it did inherit heresies from it, and was based on a reading of the prophet Joel which is not the right one.

Rue Asuza, LA ... d'où les préjugés anticatholiques?

Seymour* semble avoir été un homme humble. Il avait lu un verset de Joël qu'il avait - avec d'autres - interprété comme une promesse d'une nouvelle Pentécôte:

Joel 2:27 Et vous saurez que je suis au milieu d'Israël ! Moi, je suis Yahweh, votre Dieu, et il n'y en a point d'autre, et mon peuple ne sera plus jamais confus !
3:1 Et il arrivera après cela que je répandrai mon Esprit sur tonte chair. Et vos fils et vos filles prophétiseront, vos vieillards auront des songes, vos jeunes gens verront des visions.
2 Même sur les serviteurs et sur les servantes, en ces jours-là je répandrai mon esprit.
3 Je ferai paraître des prodiges dans les cieux et sur la terre, du sang, du feu et des colonnes de fumée.
4 Le soleil se changera en ténèbres, et la lune en sang, avant que vienne le jour de Yahweh, grand et terrible.
5 Et quiconque invoquera le nom de Yahweh sera sauvé; car sur la montagne de Sion et de Jérusalem, il y aura une réunion de sauvés, comme l'a dit Yahweh, et parmi les survivants que Yahweh appelle !

(source ici avec dernier verset de "précédent" tout sur Crampon)

Pour nous les catholiques, biensûr, c'est une promesse de la Pentécôte tout court. "je répandrai mon Esprit sur tonte chair" s'est vérifié quand St Pierre a vu que le Saint-Esprit s'était repandu sur des non-circoncis. Un peu avant, quand c'est dit "et mon peuple ne sera plus jamais confus," c'est une prophétie sur l'indéfectibilité de l'Église depuis l'Ascension jusqu'à nos jours et au delà jusqu'à la consommation des temps.

Mais pour Seymour "mon peuple" était la même nation qui avait entendu Joël, il n'avait pas compris que la nation juive c'était séparé en deux pour le Christ et que "mon peuple" était l'Église - le grec ekklesia veut dire "assemblé du peuple" - de celui-ci, même en préférant latin, grec, syriaque à l'hébreux comme nouvelles langues liturgiques, plus tard aussi slavon, précisément parce que devenue internationale, parce que le Seigneur avait répandu son Esprit sur toute chair, juive ou ethnique. D'où la nécessité de chercher un autre accomplissement de la promesse.

Il crut la situer dans la glossolalie. Il attendait la glossolalie comme les juifs ou certains juifs - les bons ou les mauvais, Dieu le sait - attendaient le Messie. Il trouvait une femme qui avait ce don, il croyait que c'était de Dieu. Il s'est rendu aux études théologiques chez Parham, qui l'a reçu devant la fenêtre les beaux jours, et dans le couloir les jours pluvieux, selon Harvey Cox. Quand il reçoit le don qu'il attendait, il établit une assemblé quasiment domestique à rue Asuza, Los Angeles. Parham le visite quelques années plus tard, il n'est pas d'accord, et Seymour conclut, très sagement: quand on parle en langues mais n'aime pas ses frères d'une autre couleur de peau, ce n'est pas un signe qu'on ait reçu le Saint-Esprit.

D'abord, citons un autre recit, celui de sa belle-fille:

"One of those who applied for enrollment was William J. Seymour, who had been encouraged to do so by Lucy Farrow. His entry into the Bible school must have caused some consternation because of the Jim Crow and segregation laws that time in Texas. Dad Parham, being from Kansas, was not used to such laws and customs and he welcomed Seymour into the classroom. There is an undocumented account, repeated in many books, that Seymour was required to sit in an adjoining room and listen to the lectures through an open door. The account I heard from those present was that he was welcomed into the class along with everyone else."[9]

Wikipedia donne comme référence: Across the Lines: Charles Parham's Contribution to the Inter-Racial Character of Early Pentecostalism

by Eddie L. Hyatt

From the Fall 2004 issue of the PNEUMA REVIEW
où en effet les mots de sa belle-fille se trouvent.

Pour Harvey Cox, Seymour devait quand même constater un manque de charité dans le rejet de ce que se passait à la rue Asuza.

Mais alors, quel crédibilité accorder à Parham? Le choix de Parham comme "professeur de théologie" était motivé par le fait que c'était une disciple à lui qui avait parlé en langues, mais ensuite il se rend compte que celui-ci n'a pas la charité.

Dans son livre, Harvey Gallagher Cox taxe Parham de "sympatiseur de Ku Klux Klan". Certains ont allégué une loyauté de Klan, wikipedia (c à d éditeur anonyme) dit:

An undated (probably 1925)[5] poster for a Parham camp meeting is provided by one web site to support the allegation that Parham was involved with the Klan,[12] yet what it says at the bottom "K-onvincing K-onvicting K-onverting" is open for interpretation in various ways (i.e. location was K-ingman K-ansas). The rumor that Parham was involved in the Klan may have developed from the name of his revival meeting.

It is important to note[says who?] that the KKK in Parham's time was not primarily seen as an anti-black organization. Rather, it emphasized family values and was concerned with limiting Irish immigration and the spread of Roman Catholicism. It had great political power in some parts of the country. Even Harry Truman, who later integrated the military, joined the Klan in 1922.

Parham, était il donc sympatiseur du côté anti-catholique du Klan?

Je continue la prochaine paragraphe de wiki:

The 1930 biography on Parham (page 32) says "Mr. Parham belonged to a lodge and carried an insurance on his life. He felt now that he should give this up also."[5] The question is one of timing, the extent of his involvement, and how much of their teachings became merged with his theology. From his wife's comments, it appears he was originally involved because of the good deeds they did in looking after their fellow man (something he did not feel the churches did a good job of doing), not because of their beliefs. Because many in the Pentecostal movement oppose the Freemasons so bitterly, some have said that he left the organization when he started his "Full Gospel" ministry.

Ici une référence est donnée: la biographie écrite par sa femme.. Je n'ai pas eu l'opportunité de vérifier.

Il y a des croyances maçonniques et il y a des croyances maçonniques. La question que je me pose n'est pas "a-t-il cru Jah-Bul-On"** dans le sens donné par Walton Hannah - dans ce cas il l'a probablement regretté, car les pentécôtistes attaquent les maçons pour ça - mais: a-t-il accepté les diatribes anticatholiques à propos de l'Inquisition, de la Papauté et de la Royauté française, faisant une forme de culte de martyrs pour Galileo Galilei, Jacques Molay, peut-être même les Kathars et Giordano Bruno? Et, a-t-il transmis ça à Seymour? Il me semble fort possible que oui.

Seymour semble s'être comporté, à part ça, assez catholliquement. Il n'a pas fait de publicité pour rue d'Asuza, faisant confiance que l'Esprit allait attirer ceux qui devaient venir. Ou est-ce qu'on doive considérer ça comme sécrétesse plutôt que modestie? Mais il n'a pas vraiment caché non plus. Si on frappait la porte, on pouvait venir. On n'avait pas à se prouver digne par un an comme pour les loges. Il n'a pas fait la quête, il a laissé une boîte à l'entrée - ce que n'est pas sans rappeler la coutûme des Alcooliques Anonymes, selon un livre que j'ai lu sur les douze principes et les douze étapes. Un livre qui m'a convaincu que AA sont apparentés aux maçons. Et, il n'a pas du tout fait fortune, il est mort en pauvreté.

Il n'est pas tout à fait un St Ignace de Loyola non plus, quand Parham - qui était pour lui ce que l'Inquisition avait été pour St Ignace - est contre l'émotionnalisme ritualisé, il ne change pas. Il taxe même son ex-mentor comme ayant trop peu de chartité (selon le chapître deux chez Harvey Cox). St Ignace avait été demandé de ne plus conseiller sur le dégré des péchés sans avoir fait des études de théologie qu'il accomplit aussi fidèlement à Sorbonne.

Sorbonne et St Ignace, ça donne St François Xavier, un des premiers jésuites, qui avait vraiment le don des langues, car il a préché dans des langues qu'il n'avait pas apprises mais que ses auditeurs comprenaient, comme les Apôtres le jour de Pentécôte, dans les pays lointains de l'Orient. Je ne crois pas que mon curé serait très appréciatif pour la glossolalie des pentécôtistes, il s'appelle justement Xavier.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mairie du III, Paris
Jour de Ste Potamiène,
Jour de St Irénée,
Veille des SS. Apôtres
Pierre et Paul

PS, n'empêche pas, quand ils sont attaqués, ce n'est pas pour leur manque de catholicité. Quoique la même question que je pose à un Musulman se pose à eux, j'ai étant catholique, répondu à ses question d'une manière semblable à la leur.

*Selon le deuxième chapître de Harvey Gallagher Cox (trad. Michel Valois), Le retour de Dieu : Voyage en pays pentecôtiste, Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 22 août 1995, broché, 296 p. (ISBN 978-2220036885). Numéro OCLC 34572826

** Différents auteurs [Qui ?] ont cherché l'origine de ce nom dans une translitération du mot biblique « Jahbulon » (ביה) qui serait l'un des noms de Dieu[réf. souhaitée].

  • Selon le révérent Canon Richard Tydeman[3], le mot serait composé de trois termes hébreux:
    • יהּ (Yah, « Je suis »)
    • בּעל (bul, « au Ciel »)
    • און (on, « en force »)

  • Des rapprochements ont été également faits avec les noms des trois assassins de certaines versions de la légende d'Hiram, dénommés dans certains pays « Jubela », « Jubelo » et « Jubelum » ou dans d'autres « Giblon », « Giblas » et « Giblos ».

  • Le mot Jabulum pourrait venir de l'hébreu Yaba’al’am (׳בצלצמ) qui pourrait être traduit par « Yah est le seigneur du peuple »[4].

  • Le mot Guibulum pourrait venir du mot « Ghiblim », présent dans la Bible et signifiant "maçon".

  • Enfin, le pasteur anglican Walton Hannah, dans son livre Darkness Visible : A Christian Appraisal of Freemasonry (1952) affirma que le mot Jahbulon, décomposé en Yah-Bul-On dans certains rituels anglais[5], signifiait Jéhovah-Baal-Osiris.

Selon wiki.

samedi 26 juin 2010

What is in a title?

Dedicated to three hearts I cherish: The Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Purest Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the old, kind heart of someone who intellectually might be my brother, since he may be academic disciple of C. S. Lewis, who, in a more informal fashion was my rhetor even before I knew there was such a thing as being "someone's rhetor", and whom spiritually I consider my Father, I have named Mgr Williamson.

The title most noble there is is Father, but there is also a title with equal nobility, Son, and Holy, which is said of the Third Person, is a title no less noble than the other too.

So, have I any right to consider C. S. Lewis and Mgr Williamson as Fathers of mine, intellectually or spiritually, according to the commandment with a promise?

I have. My father when taking care of another woman he made pregnant and their son, did not abandon me as a man without responsibility, but had his family arrange that my maternal grandparents take his place. When my maternal grandfather lay dying - it took about a month between the ulcer starting bleeding and the final heart infarctus - he confided his part in me to my grandmother or so it would seem. And she, wisely, unusually wisely, handed me to my mother when she took me back to Austria and, for one summer, US, next one to UK. My ninth birthday was in US, state of Ca.

And my mother confided me to books, next to Bible came her school books (which she had been given to keep as premiums), but also Christian books like Ergriffen? Ergreife! being a German translation of some US author saying bad manners and morals stem from bad self-esteem, stem from considering oneself the brothers of monkeys and first cousins of pigs and cats and dogs and second cousins of birds of every feather as well as snakes ... Can we know? by Dale and Elaine Rhooton being an apology for the intellectual certainty in the Gospels and Bible and their story (by the way, they were not opposed to Darwinism as to its pretence of science, neither was C S Lewis), and then there were some three authors more than the rest: Nicky Cruz was one of them, i think he is still alive, and I was just thinking about The Cross and the Switchblade which I read in Comic book format, Richard Wurmbrandt, who left earthly troubles after millennium, I think, was one "living martyr" under Communist oppression, but more than both I was ultimately marked by ... C. S. Lewis.

Narnia, the Seven Chronicles, helped me a great deal in learning English, I had read the Swedish translation and then read the English original, with a dictionary at hand where and when needed. That Hideous Strength I tried to read back in Austria, and only read much later as sequel to Out of a Silent Planet and Perelandra in my teens, thanks to the excellent library of Sigtuna, started as library of the very ecumenical Sigtunastiftelsen but is also municipal library of that august town. But in Malmö I read Surprised by Joy. And when visiting Oxford, I bought every collection of essays by C. S. Lewis I could get, not forgetting some other works like Pilgrim's Regress and The Great Divorce.

And from C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy - I did not read it in English first time, mother's copy being a Swedish translation - it was a short cut to two major Catholic authors: G. K. Chesterton whom he declared it silly to find superficial "if his sword glitters, it is because he is fighting for life" and J. R. R. Tolkien "at the entry into adult life I had been warned never to trust a philologist (implicitly) or a Papist (explicitly), Tolkien was both". From there I went on to read (I had already read The Hobbit and LotR) the three essays my grandfather had bought me in one volume: The Monsters and the Critics, On Translating Beowulf, Welsh and English. My first try at writing verse - we speak of age thirteen - was some lines consistently in the C pattern of the half line patterns he elucidated in the second one of these essays. It sounded awkward, but I pulled it through.

From Tolkien, Chesterton, indeed CSL, the step to Catholic conversion was short. But from my mother too. Her first vocation was getting to be Salvationist Officer, as a celibate, as an old maid. She was robbed of her virginity. So she took maternity. I was born in Vienna, and until recently robbed of my wallet I had a paper from Wien Alsergrund proving it. There ma was residing for medical studies. Her legal residence in Sweden was still her birthplace, which now stands in the passport as mine too, Södertelge (modern respelling Södertälje). When I was one month old, she took me back there, to my grandparents. She stopped in Munich, assisted a Mass. In October of 1968 it was still in Latin. October, by the way, in the Catholic Church, is the Month of the Rosary, and Oct 7, formerly the day of St Bridget of Sweden, later moved to Oct 8 to make place for Our Lady of the Rosary, may have been the reason and occasion ma went to Mass. When back to Vienna I made a first communion without being baptised, without even knowing what it was about. I went forth as the others did, when the priest saw I was wondering what to do he told me "swallow", I did. The judgement I ate over myself was to learn about what I had done, and to love it. I have never been able to stand Calvinism or Zwinglianism, since they deny the Real Presence. That denial was also one fatal fault with William Booth's theology.

This has been a very long explanation to explain the dedication, now for the message, I will try to make it brief.

Some Protestants think having no men called Kings or Emperors postpones the final persecuation foretold in Apocalypse. But in Hebrew both King and Emperor would be Malak, and so would, I think, President or Prime Minister. Chesterton noted that England had a King who did not in the Latin sense of the word rule but only preside a collevtion of rulers, America a President who did rule. He said it would be more fitting to logic to call the English thing a President and the American or French thing a King, since Rex implies Regere, rule a country, and Sarkozy and Obama do so, whereas President implies preside, and Elizabeth II and Carl XVI Gustav preside some ceremonial gatherings of the real rulers. One could add that the titles as they are, remind of Original positions being otherwise, there was a time when George Washington only presided some clubs, and there was a time when a predecessor of either George III or his rival across the sea actually did rule. So, democracy is no secure postponement of the worst times on earth.

Constantine the Great made a law according to which a husband had the right to have his unfaithful wife executed. Justinian changed the penalty: she could be placed in a monastery, and for two years the husband had an option to forgive her and take her back. Whatever was his title, the Briton Arthur who lived under Roman law between Constantine and Justinian helpoed to change that. Changing the mind of Roman Empire is a Royal thing. The King of Heaven did so on a Cross. The King of Britain did so by not he either judging the adulteress. Hence, whatever may have been his legal title while he was on earth, King he remains. If he did not conquer with arms even his own country back from the Saxons, he conquered by example all of Christendom.

A nun from Nemetodurum living in Lutetia and a bishop of Durucortorum forgave a barbarian his ravages, because he converted. That made France. That saved the West. It remained Roman in morals when the Legions were defeated.

It is nothing to be a King or a Beggar. It is all to be a good King as God when he died on a Cross or a bad King like Herod. It is all to be a good beggar like Lazarus, raised from tbe dead one week before God harrowed Hell, or a bad beggar like the one who merits not the Beatitude, since "though poor in resources he is rich in ambition". In 2004 and 2005 I was a decent beggar. Now I am no longer. But I was a writer before I was a beggar, and I think it possible I was made a beggar to humble the writer, so maybe I am still a decent writer.

I give you one better, who spoke of a known writer:

Mgr Williamson on Orwell's 1984

Fallen man has a tendency to fall with his boot on his face.

The New Adam came to rise him up, but not everyone accepts the hand. On a Russian cross, always, below the Feet of God, there are the skull and crossbones of Adam, because it was there God died, so that His Blood should give life back to our ancestor. The pirates' flag Jolly Roger is just the skull and crossbones, as if someone had knocked the away the Cross and the God Crucified from above a Spanish Cross resembling that Russian Cross? Maybe so. Maybe the intent was to show a blasphemous belief that Adam is "quite capable of raising himself to God thank you". Whereever that spirit looms, take care. Fallen man has a very nasty tendency to fall with his boot on his face. Now hear Mgr Williamson on Orwell, as in link provided!

Hans-Georg Lundahl

mercredi 23 juin 2010

Sounds nice, but is it St Theresa?

"Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.."

This does not strike me as a prayer, it strikes me as a suggestion. Maybe not a very bad one, maybe good in itself, but it is so not a prayer, and I do not really think St Theresa of the Child Jesus and of The Holy Face ever said anything like that to a novice, but if she did, I would like to know where.

Usually Catholic faith does not encourage chain letters. Especially not with promises like "if you send this to ten persons plus one back to me something good will happen within 8 minutes". The kind that says "look at this, this is fun" may be perfectly licit, as long as the fun thing is itself licit.

I hope this was the last time I handed on a chain letter like that. I also wish it were the last time for all of you. I send this as a chain letter, yes, but as a chain letter of reparation for previous chain letter.

I also publish this on my blog, so every one can see I do not approve of chain letters with supernatural promises that are more preternatural than supernatural, nor of "prayers" that are not prayers.

I would like to know there had been nothing bad attached to this, but, for one thing, a Catholic who does not either believe in chain letters sent me a notice back about something and I lied because I blushed for having handed on a chain letter.

I invented what I had not considered, that I thought a priest had blessed the chain letter. I also "prayed" the prayer before sending on, so it may have something to do with that, that I lied.

She also told me another thing, about an alcoholic getting to reason.

Conversions from alcoholism are not always divine, even when they are supernatural. That is why approved places of grace, like Lourdes and Fatima are famous for healing real bodily diseases, but not alcoholism. Yet another reason for skepsis about this chain letter.

Insofar as there was a real alcoholic who got a real respite and really from God, may whoever knows that be grateful.

Insofar as there may have been a real alcoholic who got something from the devil, pray that he or she be not damaged from the devil, even if it means falling back, but pray if you like that if she or he needs to and wants to stay sober, God will grant success therein.

I pray you to hand this on to who so ever may have gotten the original chain letter insofar as you share my purpose of reparation and of staying with the faith.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

Quelle russification fut pire?

La présence courte des soldats Russes à Paris après les guerres Napoléoniennes?

Ou l'imitation récente d'une politique commencée en Russie depuis ou en 1996?

À savoir, celle vis-à-vis les sans-abris: Chasse aux SDF à Moscou dont je cite les derniers morceaux:

Ils ne seront toutefois autorisés à séjourner dans ces refuges qu’un maximum de 30 jours,

C'est à dire, la solution ne l'est pas pour eux, juste pour des gens qui se sentaient "menacés" par les mendiants.

le temps pour les autorités de décider de leur avenir.

Avec le ramassage auparavant décrit dans l'article, ça relève de l'esclavagisme.

La législation sera également modifiée pour inclure des pénalités pour le vagabondage et la mendicité.

Ce que complète biensûr la côté esclavagiste.

J'ai oublié si c'était encore Ieltsine ou déjà Poutine. Vérifions, j'ai le temps. Réponse: Boris Ieltsine. C'était l'année frontière entre ses deux mandats.

Peut-être ne s'agissait-il pas d'une chose vraiment russe, les politiques de Boris Ieltsine doivent quelque chose a Mr. Sachs - un homme qui fait des propos qui pourraient paraître belles à certaines consciences:

Dans son dernier livre The End of Poverty, il propose rien de moins qu'éradiquer la pauvreté d'ici 20 ans. Il propose en particulier une "checklist" pour un diagnostic "clinique"[1] des pays en voie de développements et de créer une "Economie clinique".

Je n'y crois pas. Entre autre parce que je ne crois pas du tout que les système de pénitance - justice séculière et pénitence sacramentelle doivent d'avantage et d'avantage s'approcher à la médicine, ni que quelqu'un avec le mentalité de médecin doive avoir des pouvoirs si totalitaires que ce qu'il semble requerir pour réussir. Même ses "diagnoses". Il a une biographie aussi.

mardi 22 juin 2010

Jacques Viguier avait l'air d'être "arrogant"?

"L'homme n'a pas grand-chose de l'arrogance que lui ont d'abord prêté les médias."

Directsoir N°788 Mardi 22/VI/2010

Et les médias étaient-ils seuls? Se sont-ils attendus les média, et les autres acteurs, les juges et le personnel du système pénitentiaire, se sont-ils attendus eux, qu'un homme qui est innocent et qu'on essaie tous les jours d'humilier à un aveu ou parce qu'il refuse d'avouer, qu'alors il se montre humble?

Maintenant il a l'air humble, car soulagé: enfin il peut se payer de ne pas réagir sur l'arrogance d'un système qui ne peut pas admettre comme possibilité l'innocence qui excuse une fierté blessé, avant qu'elle ne soit reconnu comme fait juridique./HGL

Donc, à lire:

Innocent, Jacques Viguier
éditions Plon

samedi 19 juin 2010

Bon, il y a différences ... (Lyon)

Le kiss-in gay devant St. Jean n'est pas inhibé, l'apéro rosette et pinard au quartier de forte présence musulmane oui ...

À lire: ou plus courtement

Parfois on est en position de corriger G. K. Chesterton ...

Citation de celui-ci, traduction française d'après Abbé France, se trouvant sur le site de Jeunesse Catholique de St Nicolas: Paganisme et christianisme .

Bon, il y a des choses que l'archéologie n'a pas confirmé:

Giotto vécut dans une ville plus sombre qu’Euripide, mais il vécut dans un univers plus gai.

Évidemment l'archéologie ne peut ni confirmer, ni invalider la deuxième chose, l'univers dans lequel vivait mentalement quelqu'un.

Mais l'archéologie vient d'invalider la première chose, qu'Athènes d'Euripide aurait été plus gai que la Florence de Giotto.

Pour les églises et les temples, c'est une question de goût.

Pour les bâtiments des particuliers, c'est une évidence, à Athènes on vivait dans des maisons où un cambrioleur pouvait se mettre à l'œuvre avec une pelle! Les maisons médiévales étaient quand même plus solides que ça, quoique, parfois et en certains villes, plus combustibles.

Pour l'hygiène, c'est Rome, pas Athènes, qui a sa cloaca maxima.

Voir: Jérôme CARCOPINO Vie quottidienne à Rome à l'apogé de l'empire et Robert Flacelière - Wikipédia La vie quottidienne à Grèce au temps de Péricles.


PS: tour de force?

GKC aurait réussi "le tour de force d’être à la fois poète, philosophe, catholique et anglais"?

Les trois premiers qualités se trouvent déjà réunis en St Thomas d'Aquin, et celui-ci était Italien, donc mentalement assez proche des Anglais (GKC rapproche aussi les Français et les Amériacains de Nord).

Admirons plutôt les anglais qui ont réussi le tour de force de ne pas devenir catholiques quand même bien qu'ils sont érudits! Ça prend quelque mauvaise volonté ou préjugé, croyez moi!

vendredi 18 juin 2010

2 Actu/News & comm. + more/plus

Outox peut donner un faux sentiment de sécurité (vis-à-vis l'intoxication d'alcool), la seule cure miracle est le temps - et le capotes ne donneraient pas un faux sentiment de sécurité (vis-à-vis le virus VIH), la seule protection miracle ne serait pas la fidélité?

Neopagan President tries to understand Catholicism better than its faithful, including Pope and previous Popes, Bishops and previous Bishops, faithful and previous faithful back to Jesus Christ. If his own religion is a sham that can be manipulated at political will, maybe that explains why he thinks Catholicism is too./HGL

Puritain Le teme est une invention des catholiques exilés pour stigmatiser les protestants qui, au XVIe siècle, désiraient purger l'Eglise (sic!) d'Angleterre des vestiges du catholicisme, notamment dans sa liturgie, et dépouiller les textes de toutes les "innovations" qui en avaient obscurci le sens.

Source: Les Collections de l'Histoire N° 35, p. 95

Notons: "qui en avaient obscurci le sens" - selon les puritains, biensûr!

Notons: "les protestants qui" devrait être "ceux des protestants qui", car il y avait dans l'Église d'Angleterre un parti catholisant qui, toutefois, n'étaient pas Catholiques.

Notons: ça ressemble un peu à la Réforme Liturgique après Vaican II, non?

Antidotes, p ex: Notre Dame de la Garde ou St Nicolas du Chardonnet.


Maybe this is all for right now, folks ...


vendredi 11 juin 2010

Since some people try to confront me with a problem, I leave the word to Pope St Pius X

24 Q: To be saved, is it enough to be any sort of member of the Catholic Church?

A: No, to be saved it is not enough to be any sort of member of the Catholic Church; it is necessary to be a living member.

25 Q: Who are the living members of the Church?

A: The living members of the Church are the just, and the just alone, that is, those who are actually in the grace of God.

26 Q: And who are the dead members?

A: The dead members of the Church are the faithful in mortal sin.

27 Q: Can one be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church?

A: No, no one can be saved outside the Catholic, Apostolic Roman Church, just as no one could be saved from the flood outside the Ark of Noah, which was a figure of the Church.

28 Q: How, then, were the Patriarchs of old, the Prophets, and the other just men of the Old Testament, saved?

A: The just of the Old Testament were saved in virtue of the faith they had in Christ to come, by means of which they spiritually belonged to the Church.

29 Q: But if a man through no fault of his own is outside the Church, can he be saved?

A: If he is outside the Church through no fault of his, that is, if he is in good faith, and if he has received Baptism, or at least has the implicit desire of Baptism; and if, moreover, he sincerely seeks the truth and does God's will as best he can such a man is indeed separated from the body of the Church, but is united to the soul of the Church and consequently is on the way of salvation

30 Q: Suppose that a man is a member of the Catholic Church, but does not put her teaching into practice, will he be saved?

A: He who is a member of the Catholic Church and does not put her teaching into practice is a dead member, and hence will not be saved; for towards the salvation of an adult not only Baptism and faith are required, but, furthermore, works in keeping with faith.


jeudi 10 juin 2010

Dieu ne s'appelle pas GADLU

Prenons le latin:
  • grandis architectus universi serait GAU, ce qu'en allemand se prononce Grösster Anzunehmender Unfall - merci M. l'Abbé Paul Natterer (FSSPX ou auparavant tel)!
  • et magnus architectus universi serait MAU, ce que donne de très mauvais associations en Chine (Maou-Tsé-Toung) et dans l'histoire africaine (Mau-Mau).

Alors, faisons quelque chose de mieux en latin:

Rex et Creator Universi
Æterne temporum compositor
Gregis peccato olim dispersi
Incarnatione recongregator:

Segrega me massonicâ de sectâ
Et serva me in fide semper rectâ! (bis)

Pour ceux qui ne captent pas le latin, faisons un peu d'œuvre d'explication:

Rex et Creator Universi
- car l'architecte se sépare de son œuvre, ceux qui appellent Dieu "le grand architecte" de l'universe pourraient être soupçonné de l'hérésie de se croire eux-même (avec une humanité soumise à eux) "le grand roi" de l'univere, surtout si on regarde George Lucas ou Mézières.

Mais vu que le roi n'est pas toujours le créateur de quelque chose, comme Louis XVI n'était pas le créateur de France, il convient d'ajouter "et Creator". Dieu est l'un et l'autre.

Æterne temporum compositor - car comme éternel Dieu transcend les temps, et il les compose et reconcilie entre eux (le mot componere veut dire les deux en latin). Ce que serait très difficile si Dieu était juste immanent et évoluant avec l'univers.

Gregis peccato olim dispersi
Incarnatione recongregator:
- car le pêché d'Adam a dispersé l'unité primitive de l'église, de la Cité de Dieu, mais, par son Incarnation, né par la Vierge et crucifié sous Ponce Pilate, Dieu est venu nous rassembler dans son église.

C'est possible que Dieu s'appelle Allah en Arabe - je laisse le mot aux Maronites aux Melkites, et aux Coptes - mais chez nous en français ce vocable semble impliquer un dieu qui ne se soit pas incarné, donc pas le vrai Dieu.

Segrega me massonicâ de sectâ
Et serva me in fide semper rectâ!
- quand on invoque Dieu il convient de prier pour quelque chose, et si je m'étais reveillé en pensant GADLU/GAOTU c'est une prière assez appropriée: séparez-moi de la secte massonique, gardez-moi toujours dans la foi orthodoxe!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
composé sous la "Grande Arche"
de la Défense, vue sur
Cœur Défense et edf
informatisé Paris III/Mairie

PS: Le rythme est mieux dans cet hymne de procession, dont le refrain finit en:

Sauvez, sauvez la France
au Nom du Sacré-Cœur! (bis)

Mais peut-être étais-je sous quelque excommunication réservé pour les franc-maçons, non parce que je m'eusse laissé initier dans leur loge, mais parce que j'avais trop peu fait d'efforts pour me sortir du soupçon de l'être?

Car normalement écrire un rythme me vient avec facilité, depuis qu'à l'age de treize j'ai commencé d'écrire en vers.

mercredi 9 juin 2010

"Ce site n’est pas consultable sur le poste public que vous utilisez."

Le site web que vous souhaitez consulter apparaît en contradiction avec la politique de filtrage des contenus du Système multimédia des bibliothèques de prêt de la Ville de Paris.

Page demandée :

Raison : La catégorie Websense "Mairie de Paris - Blacklist" est filtrée.

Commentaire: il s'agit d'un texte historique notable, que les bibliothèques de Paris ont mis sur "blacklist"!

Deux commandes en français - två bestälningar på svenska - one command in English

Lo. de St. Ro. puisque c'était son anniversaire hier.

Claire, parce qu'elle avait un examen théorique hier.

Svenska Klubben - af tacksamhet.

Tjejen i Versailles som åker hem nu i veckan.

The US gentleman who helped me wash this morning.

The problem I found with secularised Moslems is ...

... they seem to want very much to secularise Christendom too.

Someone who does not want that says:

I Was Robbed! - Part One
I Was Robbed! - Part Two
I Was Robbed! - Part Three
I Was Robbed! - Part Four
I Was Robbed! - Part Five

Someone else who does not want that presents:

The Great Defeat of Christendom

dimanche 6 juin 2010

Is Sarah Silverman plain stupid?

She proposes: sell the Vatican, feed the world - is she stupid?

Supposing someone - for whatever reason - bought the Vatican for five billion dollars or whatever she values it with ... well, first off: what would the reason be? And who would the buyer be?

Next question: what would happen when the five billion dollars were up?

Back when the temple stood there - yes, I suppose Silverman is a Jewish name - and God through the prophets told Judah to stop all sacrifices as long as there were hungry widows around: never once did He tell the priests to sell the temple to feed the poor.

The temple was there for God. The Church is there for same God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in particular for God the Son made Man and making himself Eucharist (which is not exactly what Jews have been believing in the last 2000 years, more like very rebellious denial).

Now, He told Judas (who had complained about St Mary Magdalen's precious oil) and the Apostles: ye can be kind to the poor whenever ye like, for the poor ye have always among you; but me ye have not always among you.

And that is what would happen, if the Pope sold the Vatican.

The poor would get a few hamburgher meals per day and person next few years, Mc Donalds would make big money, so would the air companies or leasing companies (who own most of the airplanes nowadays) that transported it, local agriculture would be neglected, and when money was up, they would be poorer still.

Sarah Silverman would still have the poor in her living room, when TV was on. Unless journalistic ethos had changed in the meantime. What would her next bid be? Tell the Saudi royal family they would qualify as El Mahdi if they sold Mecca to ... whoever would buy it for whatever reason?

But long before the money was up, the reason for buying the Vatican would have become apparent: any buyer or set of buyers that rich would be Jewish, of the Anti-Christian or Anti-Catholic fringe, eager to chase Christ in the Eucharist out of ... not just the Vatican, but the World.

If Sarah Silverman wants to pose as both honest and intelligent, that does happen to some Jews too, she might want to take certain things back. Like what she said in that video. She might also try to clean her conscience about starving people by taking a cue from Our Lord, like doing good to them as often as she feels like. If, doing so, she still feels half naked, emaciated black people waiting for food is not really what she likes in her living room, she might just turn off the TV.

Oh, before I sign, I will just take this a bit further: do you know how the Vatican got a Vatican bank? No, that was before you were born, right, and "history is bunk" as Ford said. I do not happen to think history is bunk, and I do happen to know it. I will tell, just in case you thought I was being paranoid about "the buyer" you thought the Vatican wanted.

The Vatican sold the Papal States to Italy. Ok, it was not like a decision "what a good idea to sell the states to Italy, so I have less administration to do". It was more like: "Italy has already taken the Papal states, except the Vatican, and now wants to pay for them, and if Pope buys, he no longer ecommunicates King of Italy for taking Papal states, and if he continues to excommunicate King of Italy, Mussolini might turn mean". It was not a heroic decision. But one thing that Vatican bank HAS been doing since is precisely feeding poor people.

Speaking of that occasion when Italy took Papal states from "Vatican", it was in 1870, nearly 60 years before Pope Pius XI sold most of what was robbed, and got back only national sovereignty for ... Vatican State.

And, to the point: Papal States included Rome, and Rome included a Church called St Mary and All Hallows. The building had started as a Pagan temple, Pantheon. Christians answered: more like Pandemonium. One Pope did something about it. He exorcised the Demons. He did away with Pagan statues. He hallowed a Church, to the Triune God as the one we worship with adoration, and to Mary and All Saints as ones we honour as living temples of God. A gifted architect, Bernini, gave it two turrets. The inauguration of that Church was November 1st.

After sacking Rome, Italy gave Rome new rulers, including a mayor, of same extraction as I suppose Sarah Silverman to be. He decided the turrets must go. He or Italy decided All Hallows should again be what it was before that earlier Pope: All Hell, a k a Pantheon in Pagan language. The "gods" that dwell therein are the corpses of bad people, including the King who took Rome (except Vatican) from Papacy.

About that time, maybe a bit earlier, philologists (I and Tolkien are some of them, but in disagreement with that thesis) started saying that November 1st was a Pagan festival anyway. And about a Century later there is such a thing as Helloween on the cultural market.

So, yes, people who attack Papacy sometimes further Satanic schemes. The synagogue of Hannas and Kaiaphas (which stamped both Judas and Jesus as magicians, but preferred Judas between the two) is not excepted. In US, in your State, Christians maybe celebrated Corpus Christi on Thursday, as should be. In France, the Feast is celebrated "following Sunday" i e today. Thanks to whom? To the Vatican? No, but to people who attack it like Sarah Silverman did in that video.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Paris IV, Beaubourg
Sunday after Corpus Christi

PS: a friend of mine suggested that you, being a comedian, might simply be unfamiliar with the facts.

Though he is not Catholic - last time I checked he was Calvinist - he quoted, about "riches of the Church", Owen Chadwick's "The Reformation", as saying:

The income of the Republic of Venice was about a million ducats. Even at the best, the Pope's income failed to attain half a million, yet he must bear political, spiritual and sometimes military responsibilities far beyond those of Venice.

mercredi 2 juin 2010

Blandine, merci

Je remercie aussi votre sainte patronne, fêtée aujourd'hui, pour une bonne journée, mais à vous, merci pour le sac de couchage!

À Joseph Sitruk (commentaires peuvent être mis ici)

Mon texte, lien.

Publié sur google-docs pour épargner de regarder l'image de Charles X, s'il est contre les images.

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